- 医療用の耐久性のある委任状。 これは、あなたが自分で話すことができない場合にあなたのために医学的決定を下すためにあなたが信頼する人を指名します。
- リビングウィル。 これはあなたの医者にあなたが望むそして望まない生命維持手順のタイプを伝えます。
- 心肺蘇生法(CPR)指令。 これは「蘇生禁止」命令としても知られています。それはあなたの心臓および/または肺が機能しなくなった場合にあなたを復活させないように医療関係者に伝えます。
For facts about Advance Directives, talk with your Primary Care Provider (PCP). Your PCP will have an Advance Directives form that you can fill out.
Your PCP will ask you if you have an Advance Directive and if you want a copy placed in your health record. However, you do not need to have an advance directive to get health care.
If you would like more information on Advance Directives, you can go to the State of Colorado’s website and read the
事前指示に関する州法. This link is for information purposes only. It is not intended to give legal advice or suggest what you should do.
If you think your providers are not following your Advance Directive, you can file a complaint with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. You can find the contact phone number by clicking on this link to your local
In August 2019, the State of Colorado passed a law allowing you to have a Behavioral health Order for Scope of Treatment. This is also called a Psychiatric Advanced Directive (PAD). Like a medical advanced directive, a PAD is a legal document that shares your choices for future mental health treatment. The PAD is used to make sure your wishes are known if you cannot make decision for yourself because of a mental health crisis.
You can learn more about Advance Directives on our links below.
事前指示–ライフケア計画ワークショップ 毎月最終木曜日。詳細については、888-502-4185までお電話ください。これは無料通話です。